Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Invitation is Love

It is the eve of Catechetical Sunday, when the Church in the United States celebrates and recognizes the work of catechesis. 

Ever since I became the DRE at the Cathedral, school year jitters hit me mid-September and on a Saturday.  I wonder, will they come?  I hope so.  We've cleaned the classrooms, built new materials, and the catechists are ready.  Will they come?  

Yesterday, going through some artwork that was left behind from last year I found this piece done by a 7 year-old girl in our Level 2 Atrium.  She traced the line drawing of the Good Shepherd and added the one word on the bottom which says it all.  I think they will come--because it is the Good Shepherd who calls them by name, and they recognize his voice as love. 

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