Tuesday, September 4, 2012

CGS in the Life of the Parish

                        Children are important members of our faith community.  We welcome them at all parish liturgies and events.  Besides our weekday and Sunday Masses, here are some other events which take place throughout the year which we would love to have your family join us for:

Parish Nights
            On the Wednesday following the second Sunday of the month in October through April we have “Parish Nights” at the Cathedral.  These evenings begin with a potluck supper in the upstairs hall at 5:30pm.  At 6pm there is a program for adults and children on a topic of our faith.  This year the dates of Parish Nights are:  October 17th, November 14th, December 12th, January 16th, March 13th, and April 17th.

            Part of the work in the Level 3 Atrium is to plan community celebrations for Thanksgiving and Easter.  These special prayer services, organized and led by the children in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, are open to the entire community and take place outside of regular Atrium time.  Proposed dates are Wednesday, November 21st & Wednesday, April 3rd.  These evenings will start with a potluck dinner in the Parish Hall at 5:30pm. 

            At Christmas Eve family Mass (5:30pm on December 24th) children sing in the choir, lector, and bring up the figures for the crèche.  Throughout the month of December we practice for our parts in the liturgy during regular Atrium time.  

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