Saturday, September 29, 2012

Enthroning the Bible

This past week the catechists in the Level 1 Atrium organized a procession for the children to participate in.  Each child was given an item to carry to the prayer table--the cloth to cover it (green for ordinary time), a statue of the Good Shepherd, the prayer candle, the crucifix, and finally the Holy Bible.

This book, which can seem daunting to present to young children, actually speaks deeply to them.  In the Atrium, catechists take the time to show the children how to handle the Bible with care and reverence and the children are excited to be entrusted with it.

Enthroning the Bible can be done in your own home.  Find a place where your Bible can be accessible to every member of the family.   With your child, choose items that will decorate the area where the Bible is enthroned--a candle, a beautiful cloth, a piece of sacred artwork, some flowers . . .

The first verse we usually share with the children in the Level 1 Atrium comes from the Gospel of John:
Again Jesus spoke to them saying, "I am the light of the world. 
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."  
John 8:12 

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