Monday, December 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Prayer Service

Following the cross in the opening procession
On the day before Thanksgiving, after weeks of preparation in the Atrium, the 3 Levels of CGS at the Cathedral led the parish in a Thanksgiving Prayer Service.  This year, along with songs and prayers the children decided to perform two plays.

Each Atrium had something to offer:

  • Level 1 Sunday:  Thank You Lord (song) 
  • Level 2 Sunday:  Lord of the Dance (song) 
  • Level 3 Sunday:  Lord of the Dance (signs)
  • Level 1 Sunday:  Thank You Lord (song) 
  • Level 2 Monday:  10 Lepers Play 
  • Level 3 Wednesday:  Parousia Play 

10 Lepers Play 
The play about the lepers was taken from the gospel reading for Thanksgiving Day where Jesus heals 10 lepers, but only one returns giving thanks.

The Parousia play was written by the children in the Wednesday Level 3 Atrium and performed with the help of children from all the sessions.  They decided to frame it around the question, "Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?"  The play is set in a church during Thanksgiving Mass, but as the first strains of the opening song begins, there's a ruckus in the back of the church as a handful of youngsters begin to ask among themselves, "Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?"  The adults they ask are unable to answer until a young child comes forward to tell them, "I know, why we celebrate Thanksgiving:  to give thanks to God that he created us."

"But why did he create us?" the children persist.  Again, the adults are puzzled, but the young child says, "Because he needed someone to celebrate the Mystery of Creation, Redemption and Parousia with."

Using the quotes from the Bible about the Parousia in the Level 3 Atrium, the children conclude the play by reminding us of our great hope--the time when "the Lord will be our light forever."
Lord of the Dance with signs 

There was a lot to be thankful for that night, and always.

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